Thursday, June 1, 2017

31 week bumpdate


How far along: 31 weeks! Good Lord. 

How big is baby: The size of a river otter or romaine lettuce or a foam finger (really, HOW do they come up with these?)

Gender: Still a boy. An active, heartburn inducing boy. 

Weight gain: ~15lbs so far. 

Sleeping: Whenever I can. Naps are back with a vengeance, though sleeping all night long is impossible. I pee, I toss, I turn, I nap. 

Food cravings: Still beef. Give me all the beef. With that beef, please give me copious amounts of yellow mustard, please. I craved a bagel a couple times the last few weeks, which is TOTALLY not my style, but this babe is 50% Mike... I like sweet more than salty for the first time in my life though I dont desperately WANT anything

Food aversions: These change by the week. Zuccini was the latest "oh...noooo on this" but raw onions also hit the list. I'm hoping this isnt a sign of a picky eater. 

Symptoms: pregnancy induced CTS makes sleeping fun. nothing out of the ordinary: sleepy, hungry, still heartburny

Loving: the kicks and rolls. It's so fun having a little sidekick all the time (literally. he kicks my side) and I love sharing them with Mike and watching my stomach roll around. 

Loathing: I could do without the constant peeing at night and the hip pain. 

Missing: Rose. All Day. 

Doctor’s appointment: Every two weeks now! More ultrasounds coming up but so far everything checks out ok. 

Wedding Rings: Still on, though I take them off to sleep. 

Maternity Clothes: Gimme. Also, how many times is appropriate to sew up leggings before you buy new ones?

Movement: Pretty constant. Sometimes he gets a good rib shot in and that's not pleasant but I think I'll miss them. 

Best moment of the week: Probably when Mike said he could feel the kicks on his back at night. My dad always told me that when my mom rolled over at night, he could feel me kicking - so it was a little milestone in my head. This week Mike said that he could feel Baby H kicking him in the back. 

What I’m looking forward to: The ultrasounds next week and the baby shower coming up! 

What I did for baby: Pediatrician: CHECK. We have a crib y'all! Also, almost all the furniture is in place so I can start putting all the details in. 

What I need to do: Um, everything else? Daycare, buy ALLTHETHINGS, still cant get my work to figure out my maternity leave. Even though I have 22 work days left before I go out. 

What I learned this week: Baby classes are interesting places. 

Comments from Dad: I used to find it funny when I make Terri laugh so hard there is a legitimate threat of pee.  Now I just feel bad.  Kinda.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

22 week Bumpdate

15, 17, 19 and 21 weeks along
I told y'all I wouldnt be doing these regularly. But, I did today!!! Here she goes...

¨    How far along: 22 weeks!
¨      How big is baby: About the size of a spaghetti squash, or a Nalgene, or a guinea pig
¨      Weight gain: 3lbs. I’m trying to be really cautious here because I had plenty of extra to start with.
¨      Husband: He’s excited! All the stuff is getting real-er by the minute. I think the anatomy scan was the big kicker. Seeing his adorable profile made it so much more REAL and tangible. That and starting the registry.
¨      Sleeping: ugh. I miss a full night’s sleep! Lots of pee breaks and adjusting from side to side. It’s probably time to break out the snoogle.
¨      Food cravings: MEAT. Give me all the meats. Seriously. I can not get enough burgers. I also really want guac during the day, but never at night.
¨      Food aversions: I don’t really like Chipotle anymore. The chicken always tastes funny to me. L Eggs are also a no. No eggs please and THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
¨      Symptoms: The belly is definitely growing. Parts are achy and I can tell a difference if I haven’t been to yoga in a while.  (Hold on while I go sign up for class next week..)
¨      Loving/ Loathing:  This point. Im excited for him to come, but I’m enjoying this happy stage of the 2nd trimester. It’s like the Goldilocks month is upon me..loving it. Loathing..not much? Not having more time at home to work on the nursery I guess.
¨      Missing: Rose and Feta. Champs and Oysters.
¨      Wedding Rings: On. I took them off to sleep last night, (as in – I took them off to wash my face and forgot to put them back on)…
¨      Maternity Clothes: YESSSSSSSSS. If anyone is reading this and debating – just go into Maternity pants. There’s nothing more comfy and when you’re preggo – no one judges you for yoga pants at work.
¨      Movement: I’m 90% sure I felt a small kick last night at Yoga. We were in our final pose and laying on our sides, still. I think I finally let my mind relax enough to both be internally and externally quiet. It felt like a little bubble popping in my stomach. I spent the rest of the ‘relaxation’ willing it to happen again. No luck, stinker.
¨      Best moment of the week: See; Movement
¨      What I’m looking forward to: Keeping working on the nursery. The crib and chair came this week so I’m looking forward to putting it together and getting this show on the road!
¨      What I did for baby since the last update: Ordered a bunch of furniture, signed up for baby classes, and scheduled the moyel, the newborn photographer and maternity photos. I’m feeling prettttttttttttttttty solid right now.
¨      What I need to do: Oh. Everything else. There went that solid feeling…

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week 15 - Bumpdate

By posting this I am by NO way guaranteeing I will get one of these up a week, or really that I’ll ever force my way back around to it. I WANT to blog, but..yeah. Anyway, here’s a little bit about where Nugget and I are right about now.

How far along: 15 weeks!

How big is baby: Roughly the size of an apple, a box of crayons or an éclair (Can you tell I downloaded a few apps..

Gender: It’s a boy!

Weight gain: 0. I actually think I’ve lost a pound or two, but no gain yet.

Husband: Anxious. I think he’s doing better at reading the baby books than I am. Actually, I KNOW he’s doing better at it than I am.

Sleeping: ughhhhhhhhhh. I want to sleep roughly all the time. It’s not exhaustion like in my first T, more a strong desire to be still. When *I* get still, I sleep. When I go to bed, I get crazy hot and Mr. “I’m Cold” isn’t willing to freeze enough. I get up to pee roughly 3-4 times a night, which is also SUPER duper fun.

Food cravings: No real “cravings” to speak of. Ok, that’s a lie. Red Meat, milk, peanut butter. I legit made Mike get out of bed one night to go make me a PB sandwich.

Food aversions: Tomato, citrus, leather? (I know it’s not a food, but I can smell leather from a mile away and NO DICE)

Symptoms: Tired. Bending over is harder than it used to be. I think my days of painting my own toes are limited. I get random dizzy bouts but NOTHING like I did in the first trimester and I can no longer say I’ve never had heartburn.

Missing: I miss rose and watching the superbowl while smelling everyone’s beer was a little wahwah. I also RIDICULOUS miss bluecheese and would have said Sushi, but I discovered that the Safeway kind doesn’t have raw fish, so I’ve been taking care of the sushi craving.

Doctor’s appointment: Next Friday I go back. Hoping to hear the heartbeat this time. I’ve seen it 3x, but never heard it before.

Wedding Rings: Still here

Maternity Clothes: None – YET. But I’m not happy about how any of my jeans feel, so we’re going to brave the mall this weekend for some jeans and maybe work pants. I got a couple tops in my stitch fix that I could break out, but I don’t need to JUUUST yet.

Movement: not that I can feel L

Best moment so far: My last dr apt. She couldn’t find the heartbeat, which meant I got to watch all sorts of kicks and flips.

What I’m looking forward to: The next dr apt and finally starting to clean out the baby room.

What I did for baby: Ate more veggies? Drank more water?

What I need to do: Everything else. Starting with the nursery. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy 2017! (or, Unicorn Tears pt II)

Happy 2017! It seems like everywhere I look theres another article about “How to kill it at work this year” or ‘Tips to having an EMPOWERED work life this year” and well, can I just be honest? That’s the LAST thing I want 2017 to be. I’ve spent two years killing it at work, busting it every week with hours upon hours and extra assignments and fixing mistakes and y’all – I’m tapping out on this year.

 I think my LAST real post on this blog was about how I didn’t want 2016 to be the year I killed it at work.


So, I did. Again. (Anyone else have Britney Spears in their head now?) 
NOW, don’t get me wrong. It worked out for me, I started a new job this year that 0% would have been possible without two solid years of proving myself and busting my arse. I also turned down a killer job that, again, wouldn’t have been possible without having an empowered work life. But I want different things for 2017. I want to enjoy my weekends without being wiped. I want “balance” or as close to it as I can get. I want to care less about the a$hole at work and more about whether I want to do the 5pm or the 7pm yoga class. 

Let's see how this works, shall we?