Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Five

1. Shiva had another round of shots and a vet appointment today. She's currently asleep at my feet, so I'm considering getting her new shots everyday. ;) I also saw just how much she has grown. It makes me kinda sad..actually. Be sure to check the blog for a new feature, Shiva Saturdays. I'm gonna hand/paw over the blog for her.

shots, shots, shots, shotshotshots, ERRYBODY. 

2. I got my vox box in the mail, (full post to come) and finally got a chance to use the magnetic nail polish included. It's really neat, actually, and I'm excited to be linking up to show it off. :)

3. Mike and I have started watching Animaniacs again. It was WILDLY inappropriate to watch as kids..but then again, I don't know that I understood the jokes then..but it's great now. 

it's time for...

4. I bit the bullet and bought a Julep Maven subscription, (for only a penny..I promise to give you a full post and deet's on how to get YOURS for a penny next week.) It arrived today and I haven't had the chance to use it yet. 

5. Finally, giveaways are awesome. 

If I counted correctly, I promised you three different blog posts. Guess I need to get on that, and wake up the dog so she can do hers. 

life rearranged


  1. Awh, thankk you so much for your sweet comment!! Love your blog too!! I have been wanting to try the magnetic nail polish and have been entertaining the idea of the Julep subscription!! Let me know if its worth it!!

  2. Looking forward to Shiva Saturdays! Great idea :-) I think I should rewatch Animaniacs too! Is it on netflix?

  3. i got the magnetic polish too this week and i can't wait to try it!

  4. Wow you did a great job with the magnetic polish - I can never get mine to look like that!

  5. I haven't tried those magnetic polishes yet but everyone always gets such great results that I'll have to try it out. It looks like it would be fun!
