Friday, January 18, 2013

Cable Car tour of SF

Our next day in San Francisco, 
was spent doing a cable car tour. 
I would link you to the website, but devastatingly, 
they no longer offer tours. 
There are "ducks" and "buses" and other tours you can take if you want. 

Our Car

Our tour took us through the Presidio, 
which was awesome, 
and you can rent the adorable houses below
for a mere $6000. 

We also saw some Painted Ladies!

We saw the SF Museum of Fine arts, 

the Golden Gate Bridge. 

Yes, he made me nervous when he did this..

I know most people try to shy away from overly touristy activies, 
but I really can't recommend them enough. 
For a small period of time. 
Bite the bullet, take 3 hours out, and SEE the things that are on the list, 
then sneak into a bar off the street and pretend your local. 


  1. I always see the touristy sights when I'm in a new place - they're the sights to see for a reason! I seek out other things too that aren't necessarily main stream, but I totally love doing the tourist thing. No shame!

  2. YAY FULL HOUSE!!!!!!

    We actually rode the cable cars for actual transportation in SF last summer. I'm pretty sure I was (unknowingly) passing a gallstone, so it was one of the best and worst experiences of my life. :)

    YAY for CA life!!!!! And you ARE a local now!

  3. My boyfriend & I really want to visit San Fancisco! Thanks for sharing the pics!!!


  4. My husband and I went to San Fran last May and it was so much fun! Definitely a cool city and worth going to.
    Jeans and a Teacup
